Teaching As A Profession Students Attend Columbus State University


Teaching as a Profession Practicum
Kennedy Larkin
Columbus State Field Trip Reflection
October 27th, 2019

On October 23rd, 2019, I was given the chance to visit and tour the Columbus State University campus for Future Georgia Educator’s Day hosted by the Professional Association of Georgia Educators (PAGE). The conference agenda included a number of workshops for future educators as well as a campus tour. 

Campus tours were led by current CSU students who talked about their on-campus experience. My group leader discussed her experiences living on campus. She talked to my group about her campus life and how student friendly the university is. Universities and colleges are always portrayed with all the benefits, but nobody ever discusses cons of colleges either. My group leader talked about things she didn’t like about the university and it gave me a lot of insight on the school.

My favorite part of the trip was the bus tour of the campus. Columbus State has 2 campuses: a main campus and the RiverPark campus. The RiverPark campus is where students will live during their first year. RiverPark’s campus is in downtown Columbus; so many activities are within walking distance for students. This is also why the college is so student friendly. There are a lot of hobbies students can take on as well. From badminton to theater, there is a variety of areas a student can spend his/her time in.

Visiting the university also connected to what I am learning at school. At school, I am learning to be more independent and more workforce driven. At the 4C Academy, we learn soft skills and ethics. These skills and ethics are points that I will have to apply somewhere in my after high school and college career. Going into college, I will know and apply these skills. With 4C’s rules and regulations, it prepares students for the real world, their career, and their workforce.         

I would recommend this trip to a friend because they would get to experience a very diverse college. I feel students should visit as many colleges as possible to see what different schools have to offer. Columbus State has a student friendly campus and an ethical work environment. This university also has a broad choice of majors to choose from and there is something to offer to everyone at this university.