about the academy

  • What is the Commodore Conyers College and Career Academy (4C Academy)? The 4C Academy is a joint venture between the Dougherty County School System, Albany Technical College, Albany State University and the Business Community. Other school system partners include the Baker County School System, the Calhoun County School System and the Terrell County School System. Our purpose is to broaden learning opportunities for students by creating a unique learning environment that bridges our local public education institutions with workforce demands.


  • What will be offered at the 4C Academy? The goal of the 4C Academy is to prepare high school students for their future. The Academy will offer 12 career pathways where students will learn to work in teams, solve problems and think critically through hands-on learning. In addition to career and academic courses, students will also acquire professional skills and job skills that are essential for today’s workforce. 


  • What are the Career Pathways? We will offer 14 pathways that will come from the following Career Clusters: Healthcare, Manufacturing, Distribution/Logistics, Information Technology, Education, Film/Audio Video, Engineering, Business, Marketing, and Aviation. 


  • What will be different about the 4C Academy? An integrated curriculum, pathway and career exploration, hands-on instruction, social/professional skills training, mentoring, motivation, competition, and interaction with our local business and industry. In addition, eligible students will have access to Move On When Ready (MOWR) courses at the 4C Academy. 


  • In addition to career pathway courses, will academic courses be offered at the 4C Academy? Yes. Academic courses will be available for students to supplement the careers pathway courses.


     move on when ready (MOWR)

  • What is Move on When Ready (MOWR)? MOWR is a program in Georgia that enables high school students to earn high school course credits while taking college courses. Students must apply and be accepted to one of our partner institutions, Albany Technical Institute or Albany State University. To learn more about MOWR, visit: http://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and- Assessment/CTAE/Documents/Dual-Credit-Parent-Flyer.pdf


  • Will I be able to take MOWR courses at the 4C Academy? Yes. MOWR courses will be offered at the 4C Academy for students that meet the qualifications for admission. The Accuplacer exam (as well as the ACT and SAT) will be used to determine eligibility for MOWR. The 4C Academy will provide training for the Accuplacer exam. 


  • Will all courses at the 4C Academy be MOWR/dual credit? No. In addition to some MOWR courses, high school academic courses and CTAE pathway courses will be offered at the 4C Academy.



  • Where will the 4C Academy be located? The 4C Academy will be located at 1615 Newton Road. Southside Middle School is being completely renovated and will be the new location for the Academy. Transportation will be provided.

  • When will the 4C Academy start? The 4C Academy will start at the beginning of the 2017-18 school year, August 2017. Registration will begin in February of 2017.

  • How do I apply? You must complete an application for the 4C Academy. You can get an application from your school counselor.

  • When should I apply to 4C Academy if I would like to attend? The 4C Academy will begin selecting next year’s class on March 1, 2017; therefore, interested students are encouraged to return completed applications as soon as possible during the month of February.

  • What will be the schedule? The 4C Academy will offer two sessions; a morning session and an afternoon session. Each session will offer a pathway course and academic course(s).

  • Will transportation be provided? Yes. Students should report to their zoned high school and transportation will be provided to/from the 4C Academy.

  • Will I still attend my zoned high school? Yes. The 4C Academy is a “Program” which means students “belong” to their zoned schools. Students will attend half of the day at their zoned school and half of the day at the 4C Academy.

  • Can I still participate in activities at my zoned high school such as sports, band, clubs, etc.? Yes. Students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, band, cheerleading, clubs, etc. These all occur at the student’s zoned high school.

  • Do I attend the 4C Academy all four years of high school? The 4C Academy is designed to prepare students for college and their career. The length of the program may vary depending on the career pathway.

  • What qualifications are required to apply to the 4C Academy? Students must attend high school in the Dougherty County School System, Terrell County School System, Calhoun County School System, or Baker County School System.

  • If I attend the 4C Academy, will I stay on track to graduate? Yes. In fact, in some cases the track to graduation will be expedited.
